Please reach out to Fr. Chris with questions. Fr. Chris Email
The School Family Mass attendance tracking started May 19th. Parishioners might see Mass Attendance Verification Cards in the vestibule of the church. These are only for School Family use.
-School Families will normally use the Giving Envelopes that have your family’s number. With or without a donation amount, these envelopes should be deposited with the collection.
-On-line School Family donors must also bring an empty numbered giving envelope to deposit in the collection. If you have given on-line, simply write “on-line giving” on the empty envelope.
-On-line or not, if a School Family forgets their envelope, they should fill out a Mass Verification card…found in the vestibule.
Thank you! (If a School Family who belongs to St. Mary’s Parish does not have Giving Envelopes with a number, please contact the Parish Office to obtain them.)
Parents should be putting in 1 envelope OR 1 blue card to the collection baskets at Mass– some people are tracking two to three different ways. If you use an envelope (empty or filled), please do NOT use the blue card. Also, doubles cannot be added. If you miss the week prior, you cannot put two cards in the following week. Only one card per week is counted and the other is discarded. Also, please use the PARENT name as the Parish Office tracks this through their parishioner software and the students are not listed