2. We are always in need of books to build up our new library; both new or gently-used are graciously accepted. We would accept any book on prayer, the life and writing of the saints, the Church, the sacraments, apologetics, Mariology, Christology, Biblical works, etc. Good books are hard to come by here and we are looking to build up our library for the students and for our ministry. Some books we would love to have soon include, but are not limited to:
a. The St. Jerome Commentary (or any other Biblical commentaries or works)
b. Dictionary of biblical theology by Leon-Dofour
c. Copies of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (or works on the Catholic faith)
d. Bibles (NAB, RSV, Jerusalem, etc)
e. Writings of the Popes
f. Books on retreat (preferably Ignatian spirituality)
g. Books on the Priesthood and religious life
h. Books and CDs on Blessed John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. Any informational CDs or DVDs will be welcomed too.
i. The Catholic Encyclopedia (it has several volumes to it)
3. Multivitamins supplements, pain relievers, etc
4. (Traveling) Mass kit
5. Inspirational DVDs from Ignatius press or any wholesome movies. We would gladly appreciate any decent movies.
6. Goodies like Peanut M&M will surely be appreciated.